Garrett McLaughlin | Kalamazoo, MI

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Hamstring Tightness: Here’s Why…

Welcome to the 3rd edition in the Ignite Your Run Education Series. In this mini-webinar, we covered 'Hamstring Tightness: Here's why...'

The hamstring is made up of 3 muscles at the back of the thigh which people constantly state feels tight and stiff. What's important to realize is that tightness of this muscle group could happen for a myriad of reasons. Rather than aimlessly stretching and hoping for the best, let's discuss the WHY behind hamstring tightness so you can see lasting results while addressing the underlying issue.

In this 30-minute mini-webinar, we covered...

  1. Anatomy of the hamstrings and surrounding areas

  2. Reasons why you might feel tight

  3. Rehabilitation & treatment recommendations

To watch the free replay, click the video below.

Are you currently struggling with hamstring tightness? Regardless of how much you stretch, does the hamstring just constantly feel tight? If so, Click here to schedule your free 30-minute consultation.

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