Garrett McLaughlin | Kalamazoo, MI

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Heat vs. Cold and It’s Effectiveness on Muscle Soreness

Welcome to the 1st edition in the Ignite Your Run Education Series. In this mini-webinar, we covered 'Heat vs. Cold and It's Effectiveness on Muscle Soreness.'

Heat and cold therapy is a complex and confusing topic. For years we used these therapies to address pain, soreness, and tight muscles. But, does it actually have merit? And if so, which is the most effective?

In this 30-minute mini-webinar, we covered...

  1. The body's response to heat

  2. The body's response to cold

  3. Cold vs. heat after exercise

  4. Effects of cryotherapy on muscle damage markers and perception of delayed onset muscle soreness

  5. Mechanism and effectiveness of heat & cold therapies for musculoskeletal injury

To watch the free replay, click the video below.

Curious if cold, heat, or some other type of therapy could help you? Click here to schedule your free 30-minute consultation.

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