Fireside Chat with Spencer Miller - “The Physiology of Pacing”

Welcome to the Fireside Chat! This series was designed to provide runners and the general population easy to absorb information regarding health & wellness, running mechanics, nutrition, strength training, and injury prevention. As the series progresses, we will cover a myriad of topics and speak with different professionals in the health & running community.

In this 12th edition, we had a great conversation with guest, Spencer Miller. Spencer is an exercise physiologist and running coach in Bloomington, Indiana. He's originally from Michigan, a former collegiate runner, science guy, and all around valuable resource to have in your corner.

When it comes to becoming a better runner, you have to follow a structured and periodized plan to best prepare you for race day. In addition, the paces you run need to work for your body, be aligned with your goals, and create the right adaptations which foster long-term success. Sounds simple, right? There's a lot of science that goes into the 'Physiology of Pacing' which Spencer teaches us in the Fireside Chat.

In this Fireside Chat, we covered a variety of topics, including…

  1. Training adaptations & how to become a better runner

  2. Training zones and their significance

  3. How to measure your running intensity

  4. Q&A

Click the video below to instantly watch the replay of this chat!

Did you enjoy this Fireside Chat and are interested in learning more about upcoming segments as well as high quality educational content for runners? If so, click here to join the Ignite Your Run private Facebook group. The Ignite Your Run group is a FREE community for runners to learn and interact in the journey to become the best version of yourself possible.

Here are additional resources regarding today’s chat and how to learn more about Spencer and Miller Endurance Coaching...

  • Email:

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Thanks for watching!


A Holistic Approach to Injury Prevention (FREE Webinar Replay)


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