Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome

Welcome to the 2nd edition in the Ignite Your Run Education Series. In this mini-webinar, we covered 'Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome.'

IT band syndrome is a common complaint for many runners. This pesky pain at the outside of the knee can happen from building mileage too quickly or some other biomechanical issue. Unfortunately, many of the treatments and stretches used to address this injury are not taking into consideration the function of the IT band and, therefore, leaves people struggling with pain without success.

In this 30-minute mini-webinar, we covered...

  1. Anatomical Considerations

  2. Risk factors

  3. Can/should we stretch it?

  4. Rehabilitation & treatment considerations for IT band syndrome

To watch the free replay, click the video below.

Are you currently struggling with IT band syndrome? If so, Click here to schedule your free 30-minute consultation.

To become a part of the free Ignite Your Run private Facebook community for runners, click here.


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