Welcome to the 4th edition in the Ignite Your Run Education Series. In this mini-webinar, we covered 'Plantar Fasciitis.'

The plantar fascia is a dense tissue that spans along the bottom of the foot. From wear & tear, training errors, or faulty lower extremity biomechanics, this tissue is commonly injured which can often be quite debilitating. Unfortunately, a lot of the common treatment strategies for plantar fasciitis lack validity and it leaves people struggling to overcome this injury for years.

In this 30-minute mini-webinar, we covered...

  1. Anatomical considerations

  2. What is plantar fasciitis and common misconceptions

  3. Logical active & passive treatment strategies

  4. Q&A

To watch the free replay, click the video below.

Are you currently struggling with plantar fasciitis and not seeing reliable results? Click here to schedule your free 30-minute consultation.

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